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Tell us About Your Child.

Each child is unique. Our individualized, all-encompassing approach requires that we know as much about your child’s needs as possible before determining proper placement within our camp. Please fill out the attached form to finalize your scholarship submission.

PLEASE NOTE: Your submission is not finalized until this form is completed and your essay has been emailed to

Thank you and good luck!

Finish Your Profile

* indicates required

What type of classroom placement is your child in?

Does your child receive related services?

Is your child:

Able to communicate their wants and needs?

Able to follow directions?

Does your Child:

Respond to questions asked?

Know how to swim?

Need a 1:1 Aide?

Have a special sensory diet?

Have a Behavior Intervention Plan?

Has your Child:

Participated in team sports before?

Been in a camp setting before?

Slept away from home before?

Gersh Autism Logo

Gersh Summer Program is a program of
Gersh Autism